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A collection of small command line tools for Pynab-running Nabaztag rabbits that have been revived using the Raspberry Pi Zero W-powered Tag:tag:tag card.


A script to send packets to the rabbit’s nabd daemon, according to the Pynab protocol.

	pi@Nabaztag:~ $ nabaztag -h
	Usage: nabaztag [-g | -e | -l | -m | -s | -w | -p LEFT.RIGHT | -r | -v | -c COMMANDFILE] [HOST]
		Talk to rabbit HOST (default: localhost)
		 no option :	get state
			-h :	this usage help
			-g :	get gestalt status
			-e :	execute ears test
			-l :	execute LEDs test
			-m :	monitor asr/button/ears/rfid events
			-s :	go to sleep
			-w :	wake up
			-p :	rotate ears to position LEFT.RIGHT
			-r :	rotate ears to random position
			-v :	display virtual rabbit (running in Docker on HOST)
			-c :	execute given JSON COMMANDFILE

Examples of JSON command files are provided in the json directory.
This script should be usable on a non-rabbit OS, if it provides the nc (netcat) command.

Talking to a remote rabbit is possible only if the nabd socket on this rabbit has been enabled for public access.


A script to get/set the rabbit’s Tag:tag:tag sound card low/high volume levels.

	pi@Nabaztag:~ $ tagtagtag-sound -h
	Usage: tagtagtag-sound [-t | -T] [-m low | -M high] [-p]
		 no option :	get sound volume levels
			-h :	this usage help
			-t :	handle volume for Nabaztag
			-T :	handle volume for Nabaztag:tag (default)
			-m :	set minimum volume level
			-M :	set maximum volume level
			-p :	patch/unpatch ADC mixer (to eliminate NFC card interference)


Scripts to backup and restore the rabbit’s Pynab PostgreSQL database.

	pi@Nabaztag:~ $ backup_pynab_db -h
	Usage: backup_pynab_db [-u DB_USER] [-d DB_NAME] [-b DB_BACKUP_FILE]
		Backup (as user DB_USER) PostgreSQL database DB_NAME to file DB_BACKUP_FILE
		defaults: DB_USER=postgres DB_NAME=pynab DB_BACKUP_FILE=pynab.db.sql
	pi@Nabaztag:~ $ restore_pynab_db -h
	Usage: restore_pynab_db [-u DB_USER] [-b DB_BACKUP_FILE]
		Restore (as user DB_USER) PostgreSQL database from file DB_BACKUP_FILE
		defaults: DB_USER=postgres DB_BACKUP_FILE=pynab.db.sql

Backup can be done on the fly (while the rabbit’s Pynab services are running). According to PostgreSQL documentation, the backup is consistent (based on a ‘snapshot’ of the database).
On the other hand restore must be done without concurrent accesses to the database (so that it can be re-created). Pynab services must therefore be stopped beforehand and restarted after the backup (the script takes care of this).


A script to manage Pynab services.

	pi@Nabaztag:~ $ pynab -h
	Usage: pynab [-status | -start | -stop | -restart | -local | -public | -log [NUM]]
		no option :	show status of Pynab services
		    -help :	this usage help
		   -start :	start Pynab services
		    -stop :	stop Pynab services
		 -restart :	restart Pynab services
		  -status :	show status of Pynab services
		   -local :	restrict nabd socket to local access
		  -public :	open nabd socket to public access
		     -log :	show log tails (last NUM lines) for Pynab daemons

By default, rabbit’s nabd socket is restricted to local access (from the rabbit itself).
Opening it to public access makes it accessible from other hosts. This is a potential security risk if the rabbit is not on a local network protected by a firewall.

Miscellaneous administration

A collection of wrapper scripts for Pynab development & administration:

These should be used with caution (only knowingly).